Church Bulletin October 10, 2021

October 10, 2021

October 10, 2021

Annual Green’s Peak Trip

Schedule of Church Events

Sunday School: 9:30 AM

Worship Service: 10:30 AM

Women’s Bible Study: Thursday 10:00 AM

Men’s Breakfast: Saturday 7:00 AM

Staff Meeting Meeting, Monday 10/11 at 4:30pm at Pastor Tom’s

Shepherding Groups

We have three Groups meeting weekly on Wednesday Night.

“The Church Group” meets at 6 pm at Church Taught by Pastor Tom & Terry Lowry

“The Borden Ranch Group” meets at 5:30 pm at Lewis’ Taught by Lee Copeland & Chris Lewis

“The Gazebo Group” meets at 5:30 pm at Brown’s Taught by Roger Brown & Pastor Jim

Please inquire for directions


Please join us today after church for our annual Green’s Peak Trip. We will have fun celebrating the fall colors, singing and enjoy a wonderful potluck.

If you are unable to bring anything for potluck don’t worry there will be plenty!

Christmas Choir and Program

Kate Hilton and Janet Gallup are inviting you to come and sing in a Christmas Choir and participate in the program.


Please consider lending your help to the Salvation Army. They need “Advisory Board” members, who meet once a month and guide the Army’s community work and fund raising events. Also, needed are site workers, who organize and manage food and clothing resources. Thank you.

The Truth

American courts used to have witnesses swear on the Bible to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Now, they've removed the Bible and God, and witnesses swear "to tell the truth." So, the truth has gone the way of much else in our culture, being watered down to useless verbiage.

After listening to the recent (lying) testimonies of our current crop of Washington politicians, and even our top military generals, I begin to understand why the truth is important.

My dad, who was "old school," thought that being truthful was very important, and the worst lickin' I ever got was for lying to him. Perhaps there should be more "lickin'" for lying.

No person can live a healthy and vital life as a liar. This is equally so for a nation. "You shall not bear false witness..." is one of the Ten Commandments, and God gave it to us knowing our wayward ways (Ex. 20.16).

Like Pilate, the Roman governor of Judiah, we have become cynical about the truth because we're surrounded by "untruths" (John 18.31-38). So, many have just given up on the truth.

Jesus said to His disciples: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14.6a). He meant "the Truth," not a relative truth, like so many want to practice it today. Jesus is so true that "no one comes to the Father, but through (Him)." (14.6b). Certainly, the truth hurts, and in a sense, it should, but in Christ we can overcome the pain of our lies.

Put your hand on your Bible and say, "I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

Amen. ~ Pastor Tom

Pulpit Greeter: Terry Lowry

“An Unshakeable Faith”

"The removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain"

(Heb. 12.27)

Pastor Tom Brown

Attendance: 80
Offering: $ 2,878.00
Transitional Housing: $100.00
Benevolence: $668.00
Your gift is a blessing to others!


Pastor Tom Brown

Pastor Jim Powell, Assoc. Pastor/Worship leader Terry Lowry, Elder


Bill Bujnowski, Lee Copeland, Lanny Dameron, Chris Lewis, Roger Brown and Lee Larson

Lora Slater – Secretary

John Greer – Media,

Tammy Powell – Custodian, Nursery, and Kitchen

Loretta Stumbaugh – Prayer and Finances


October 10, 2021

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I Believe
"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
Matthew 21:22
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
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